Delete subCategories using RiR

Hi @Japhy ,

I was wondering if we can delete every subcategories of the revit template using RiR?

Thanks in advance.

PyRevit does this rather well. Note the ‘purgable = True’ property. We have a purge component but it doesn’t appear to be as discriminate.

"""Reset all model categories and subcategories back to default."""
#pylint: disable=E0401,C0103
from pyrevit import revit
from pyrevit import forms
from pyrevit import script

logger = script.get_logger()

class SubCategoryOption(forms.TemplateListItem):
    def __init__(self, subcategory):
        super(SubCategoryOption, self).__init__(subcategory)

    def name(self):
        return '{} --> {}'.format(self.item.Parent.Name, self.item.Name)

if forms.alert('This tool is very destructive. It resets all '
               'the element subcategories (what is shown in Object Styles '
               'panel) inside this model, effectively resetting all line '
               'styles and all other subcategory of any families imported '
               'in the model. Proceed only if you know what you are doing!\n\n'
               'Are you sure you want to proceed?', yes=True, no=True):
    subcats = revit.query.get_subcategories(doc=revit.doc, purgable=True)
    subcats_to_delete = \[SubCategoryOption(x) for x in subcats],
                                  title='Select SubCategories to Purge',
    if subcats_to_delete \
            and forms.alert('Are you sure?', yes=True, no=True):
        with revit.Transaction('Reset SubCategories'):
            del subcats_to_delete
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Hi @Japhy,

Thanks for the tips. component delete the sub-categories except the sub-categories used in the families of the current document. I found that this is good because we could truly purge the categories…

Thanks heaps again for the tips!


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