Delaunay edges, Delaunay mesh for donut shaped building

Hello, I am trying to recreate the museum of the future building for my grasshopper class, but I am having issues with creating the triangulation for the base structure if that makes sense. I’ve tried many different ways which will be included in the grasshopper file

This is the shape that i am trying to make but it isn’t exactly working the way I want it too.

any help would be appreciated thank you!

starting for musuem of the (36.0 KB)

if you want to recreate the exact grid it seems more easy to do it with Rhinoceros.

The use of Grasshopper is useful if you have some optimizations parameter, strength, cost, …

While some parts seems quite simple the overall design is quite complex for a “simple” Grasshopper script. A good question you can ask to yourself of your team : What are the pattern we see ? what are the connections between patterns ? If you can answer you can build some tools.I

Not a great help, but if you want your own design you can begin by doing that
Make half a shape (XZ symmetry)
Make a quater shape if there is also a symetry in XY plane.
Then you can use TriRemesh. Delaunay is for 2D mesh and some 2.5 D mesh (2D and some elevation)

future museaum (13.5 KB)

Hey! Thank you so much this worked out really well! I have o use grasshopper for a majority of the design and majority of the building also has to be parametric so that’s why i haven’t started off in Rhino.

This is an idle doodle on the holed ellipsoid (Swp2 in green group) with considerable control over the shape. TriRemesh was tacked on at the end. Not serious. (16.3 KB)

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This difference is small and subtle but might be significant. Replace a pair of closed 4-point IntCrv sections (blue) with a pair of ellipses (white). (15.7 KB)

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