Data Exchange for Rhino and Revit

Hello all,

Do someone tested Data Exchange for Rhino and Revit? Do someone know how to manage it in Revit?

Do I need to install smth additional plugins to make it to work in Revit?

Thank you all for attetnion.

Hi Ivan,

I helped them with some of their initial marketing, the webinars didn’t go that great due to it still being early in development & fairly limited feature set. I haven’t had a reason to see how the progress is going.

If you are looking for low level control and everything being in your Autodesk account it might be the solution for you.

Rhino.Inside.Revit does require some grasshopper knowledge to get the most out of a Rhino - Revit transfer.

Thank you for reply,

I did some scripts in GH of transferring things from Rhino to Revit, but it work not perfectly, do you have some samples of it, just for comparison?

Happy to help, please see this short guide on helping us help you.

Ideally the Rhino.Inside.Revit About Info (Revit/Rhino versions targeted) and a small example along with a description of the desired workflow. Thanks

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