Das Material ist transparent.
Warum ist das so?
Alle Texturen sind gestreckt und haben kein Alpha.
Sie waren anfangs nicht transparent. Als ich an ihnen arbeitete, bemerkte ich, dass sie transparent wurden.
Das Material ist transparent.
Warum ist das so?
Alle Texturen sind gestreckt und haben kein Alpha.
Sie waren anfangs nicht transparent. Als ich an ihnen arbeitete, bemerkte ich, dass sie transparent wurden.
Select the surface that has the unexpected transparent material on and File > Export Selected, save as a new 3dm file. Share that 3dm file here.
And please post in English.
It was in German by mistake. Thanks for the reply.
I have uploaded the 3dm.
test.3dm (1.3 MB)
Please check it out.
The surface you shared shows up just fine in my 7.37
Are you sure you exported the correct surface? In your original screenshot your roof looks to be transparent, but you shared here a wall piece that looks ok in the original screenshot…
Hmm, with this surface rotating around it I don’t see the issue.
Please run the Rhino command _SystemInfo
and post the results here, that way we know at least what hardware and software we’re dealing with.
If you can share your full model then perhaps it would be good to share that too. If you don’t want to or can’t share the full model here in public then you can use our upload tool on rhino3d.com. I have prefilled my address, but please copy and paste a link to this discussion in the comment section of the uploader.
Upload system info results and model data.
Thank you for your confirmation.
Rhino_systemInfo.txt (2.8 KB)
sample.3dm (14.6 MB)
I can’t reproduce the issue on neither my Mac nor my Windows machine with Rhino 7.37.
You could try updating to the latest driver for your RTX 4000. When you apply the update make sure to go for a clean installation.
Another thing to try is to temporarily disable the Keyshot plug-in and see if that affects the Rendered display mode.
Thanks for the advice. I tried as you said, but it didn’t change.
I opened the data on another computer to try it out and it displayed fine.
So I guess it is a problem with my computer.