Cut plane doesnt ask for end of cut plane

This command worked a while ago.

Now when I use it it asks for pick objects, do that, then it asks start of cutplane so pick the start

…and it still asks for start.

how does one post a jing video ?


Make sure you are not viewing parallel to the current CPlane. And, maybe use Section instead… see my comment in the Sweep2 conversation.


Hi Pascal,
I expect it to say choose end in command line and it doesnt.

I see I ended up with those I started, when I went to perspective view which had shaded on ! but was never aware I had created them, as it is forever asking for start and not end.


@pascal - I agree that the prompt on this command is wrong… However, it’s a line. Once you start drawing, the next place you click will be the end…


Yep. added as a bug


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