Customizing iFrame parameters CSS

Is there any tutorial or knowledge base for styling parameters ?
I started with this but there is only a small part of parameter types and how to call them.

What do you mean with that? What exactly would you like to do? Do you mean re-styling the sliders, buttons, etc.?

So here would be a very rough example with what you could do with CSS:

But I think you should learn some CSS basics for that:

I mean with css as you posted exaples, but I do not have a problem with css, but with JS, that I cannot find how to call other things beside sliders and buttons like swith button or dropdown menu and this arcticle doesn’t give much inforamtion or do I missing something ?

Sorry, it’s not clear to me what you want to do. If you want to style your page, you have to do it with CSS. If you want to add functions, you can do it with pure JavaScript, or work with simplifications like jQuery.

First of all, I recommend you start using the version 3 of the API. The link you posted references the outdated version 2. Get started with version 3 here: Viewer

Then you can have a look at this example which reads all kinds of parameters stored in a model and instantiates the corresponding HTML elements. Each parameter has a type property that allows you to differentiate them.