Customise Colours


Just a quick post with an idea…

The ability to create a list of display colours and rename the colour(s).

I know you can sort of do this using Rendering colours but would be so useful in the display pallette.

Also have preset folder/layer names. I frequently name folders using the same names. Would be great to have a list containing all the common names. Pushing the boat those names have preset colours.


Hi Ian - you can do this, if I undestand you, in a sort of roundabout way by editing colors.txt here:


That will control the list that shows up in the color picker:




Hi Ian -
As for this one:

In a new file, set up the layers that you want, with the colors that you like. Save the file as a template and start new projects from that template. You can also import that template file into existing projects.

Hi Wim

Thanks for suggesting the idea. I used to do that but quite often I purge the file losing empty files.

Hi Pascal

Very interesting.
Its probably the nearest to what I’ve been looking for.

Thank you