I also need this camera based light feature in Rhino 8 otherwise I can not use the new version.
Do you need emission materials at the same time? If not then remove those and make sure any other light and skylight is turned off. You’ll get the camera-based light.
For assembly instructions I need some uniform lightning which I defined with this settings in Rhino 7 using the “Standard Lightning” setting:
Which gave me the results shown in the next pictures. I could not reproduce with Rhino 8 because of the missing camera based light. So I have some ambient light and the camera based light in Rhino 7. But Rhino 8 does disable the camera based light.
The following screenshots show the intended light (in Rhino 8 I will get much darker scenes).
The ambient light, how is that produced? Perhaps you can share a file with me? You can upload privately using Rhino - Upload to Support - my address is prefilled. I’ll be notified when the upload is ready.
From just the final render I don’t know what I am looking at. These don’t look like Raytraced or Rhino Render results to me but rather Rendered display mode.
I’ll need a file to better understand what you’re doing.
I have now uploaded a file Matador.zip which contains a simple model. As you already noticed I do not use a raytraced view mode but a special defined display mode. I have also included the ini file for the display mode I created for this as Matadorvorlage.ini.
The layout used this display mode and the result is then printed to a PDF file.
I use Rhino for Mac.
I’ve moved this to a new topic since the original was about Rhino Render and Raytraced.
It looks like there are ever so slight differences on some of the surfaces. It isn’t the camera based light missing, it is something else.
Since this is on the Mac in Rhino 8 it could be that the Metal implementation is slightly different.
Probably something for @jeff to look into.
I don’t understand this statement…please elaborate.
Rhino V8 does have camera based lights, it’s what gets used in all Shaded display modes (except Rendered)… And the “Default” lighting scheme (which I guess translates to “Standard”) is also a camera based, over the shoulder light. So I’m confused about your statement above.
I’m also not seeing that big of a difference between V7 and V8 on the Mac here…(note: I have your file and display modes). The differences are very subtle, and as far as I can tell, the only difference has to do with how dark the shadowing is…In V8, it seems slightly darker. You can try changing the “Shadow Color” in your display mode(s) to something a bit brighter than black, and you get pretty much the exact same results as V7.
I feel like I’m missing something big here… Can you please provide screenshots from both V7 and V8 that annotate the exact differences you’re getting…If you’ve already done that here, it’s hard to tell what came from V7 vs. what came from V8, so please mark your images as such, along with annotated portions (circles, squares, etc…) of the areas that you see as different.
Thank you for your effort.
Here are the screenshots I get from Rhino 7:
And the screenshots from Rhino 8:
So in Rhino 8 I have some missing lights. So no subtle differences here. Do I have some settings missing in Rhino 8?
I think I should have started by asking for the result of the Rhino command _SystemInfo
I don’t see the darkness in Rhino 8 as you show:
Her is my _systeminfo of my Rhino 8 (running on Apple Silicon M1):
Rhino8_SystemInfo.txt (4.4 KB)
Steps I would try right now:
- Update to 8.5 service release candidate: Rhinoceros > Settings > General, change update frequency to Service Release Candidate, then through Rhinoceros menu select entry to check for updates.
- In your updated Rhino 8.5 do a reset to factory settings:
. If you have any customizations you want to save for later use press the button for saving all settings. - Restart Rhino
- Reimport your custom display modes
- Check your file.
At least on my M2 Max it looked correct. I’ll double check on my M1 as well.
edit: this is what it looks like on my M1
I concur with Nathan, his results are what I see here too… Clearly there is something not working correctly with your installation of V8, but at the moment I have no idea what.
I would follow Nathan’s advice first, and see if reinstalling and importing “fixes” the issue. If not, we can start digging deeper into what might be causing this.
@wagner1 I just realized that your modes are derived from the Technical display mode/pipeline… Do any of the other technical modes work for you? (i.e. Artistic, Pen, Monochrome), or is the lighting messed up there too?
Updating to the service release 8.5: Version 8 (8.5.24065.13002, 2024-03-05) fixed the lightning problem.
Thank you all for your support.
But some colors seem to be not correct. I will analyse this further.