Curves are unable to join even though they are touching, possible bug?

So I was trying to join some lines on a curved surface to create a pattern, when I realised that when I used the join command on these two lines

it gives me an error and says that the distance between the closest ends is 0.195648.
I’ve been trying for a few hours to fix this to no avail, and I’ve zoomed in extremely close and have confirmed that is, to my knowledge, in fact connected.
am I doing something wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated

Here is the 3dm file in case anyone needs it
tulaytullah’s remembrance.3dm (9.4 MB)

what s the desired shape you’re after ?

you can only join ends of open Curves.

_gCon is the analysis tool to check if curves can be joint (commandline will tell you at least G0)

for me it looks like you need to _trim / _split the curve.

(red&violett split with green curve) - screenshot shows result.


now you can join green and red

kind regards -tom

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Also only two curves can be joined at a single location. Curves in a “T” arrangement cannot be joined.

Hi tom,

Thanks for your help!

the desired shape I’m after is the shape shown by the curves on the picture.

I’m looking to join red, green and purple all at the same point, but after reading @davidcockey’s reply I realise it isn’t possible. Is there any way for me to get the same shape as the one above? or at least be able to cut out such a shape onto the surface using the lines?

Thanks -Isaac

Dear @Isaac_Lo
There is a big difference between drawing curves and splitting / trimming surfaces.
I hope the following example shows some basics:

It is not possible to join the red and green curve to a somewhat T-shape- Curve
But it is possible to use those two, unjoined curves to split a surfaces into 3 parts.

As this is some quite basics - I recommend to check some tutorials to get more familiar with some well documented workflows.

check the great learning recourses here

or just type
into the commandline - this will open the Level 1 and Level 2 training - also great to start - a bit outdated but quite comprehensive.

kind regards -tom

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