Hi, when I move the edges of a surface with the Gumball, the surface is displayed wavy and shiny afterwards. What is the reason for this and how can I prevent it?
Hi Constantin - best is not to do that at all - moving edges and faces directly on any but the most simple boxy polysurfaces falls apart very quickly - when faces become non-planar is when things tend to go south pretty quickly. Please post an example object with the desired edit indicated and I’ll see if I can suggest a useful workflow.
Hi Pascal,
thanks for your answer and your offer!
Attached is a mock-up of that part of the facade.
I just wanted to make the frame (selceted in the Screenshot) wider.
Thanks in advance !
Mock_UP_Front.3dm (145.9 KB)
Hi Constantin - if you sub-objedct select all the stuff you want to move, that should work
Is that what you want?
Hi Pascal, I ran into this a couple of times. Is there a way to tell Rhino not to curve/patch when editing edges or points? Say use only planar surfaces?
Hello- PushPull
in V8/WIP is something to test out.
Hi Pascal,
If I have selected all sub-objects, it does not work for me either. Can you briefly explain the steps how it worked for you?
Thank you !