Cursor tooltip issue


I am having an issue regarding the cursor tooltip.
It is enabled, but I do not see it. What am I missing?

Thank you

Hi Tiberiu- does this show in any display mode? LIke default Wireframe?



Hi Pascal,

Well, I cannot say. I have multiple modified display modes. I’ve got on defaults but still had the problem.
I restarted Rhino a few times, and now it is back.
I hope I am not speaking too soon, but something like this also happens when working in layouts, when I want to place dimensions. They do not appear, until I am zooming in or out. It might come from customizing the display mode. It might have something to do with customization of the display modes. I will write a post on this, if it still happens.

Thank you,


Hi Tiberiu and is this in any model as well or just one model?


HI pascal,

Sorry for this late answer.
The issue regarding the dimensions happens to the files that have layouts, and in the model space there are more then 1000 lines. Still, I do not think it should react like this. You have the impression that it takes time to generate in the view, the dimension… but it does not appear until zooming.
I attached a movie to see what happens.

dimension (2.3 MB)

Thank you,


I see… thank you for that - can you possibly let us look at the file you show in the clip? You can upload it to

to my attention (Pascal).



Dear Pascal,

Do you have an update on this matter? Still not fixed in v11.

Thank you