Culling pattern in grasshopper


I am learning the capabilities of culling data in grasshopper. I am struggling culling the item highlighted in the image. I am wondering if there is a way to cull the surfaces that are higher than a certain z axis. Or if there is a better way to select these surfaces as I cannot select them with a list item and a series. Attached is the image of my script and rhino viewport.
Thanks so much in advance for the help.

Images of code are not code. Not as useful at all :bangbang:

My apologize. Attached is the rhino file and .gh
Faceted Facade Panel Sorting.3dm (158.9 KB)
Selecting edge (10.6 KB)

There is probably a way to do this by culling but I saw it as a tree management exercise. That turned into a complex monster, sorry! The splitting is done at the yellow group. All the rest (which is most of the code!!) is about presenting the results sorted by Z, in two “groups” corresponding to the two surfaces. The purple group in particular is weird. Its purpose is to partition the list of paths from TStat (Tree Statistics) so they can be sorted by Z. Again, sorry :bangbang: :slight_smile:

edge (29.5 KB)

R8 because of Rhino file. (internalized surfaces would avoid that)

In fact, here is an R7 version with surfaces internalized:
edge (32.6 KB)

P.S. I just noticed that each branch is not sorted by Y. :thinking:

P.P.S. While adding sort by Y (gray group), I noticed small sections along the left edge because no contour start point was used. So I added the orange group for that.

edge (34.9 KB)

R7 compatible, geometry internalized.

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Brilliant! I appreciate the help. Do you have any recommendations for understanding and implements data tree management in grasshopper?

Practice :bangbang: I use temporary text panels extensively to examine the output of all components. This helps keep data trees “well behaved”.

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