Culling outside of a geometry

Hi, I’m pretty new to grasshopper and am trying to cull objects outside of the geometry in white (the two funnel shaped objects). I was able to cull the interior of the geometry but can’t seem to figure out the opposite. Thanks for the help.
Geometry (4.5 MB)

You did not internalize your geometry or post a Rhino file the GH refers to?

Your description is not that clear either?

Sorry about that, haven’t ever posted before on the forums. I am basically trying to trim everything outside of the white object in the picture using Cull Pattern. Here is the new grasshopper file with the breps and geometries intrernalized. The rhino file is too large to put into here
Geometry (85.1 KB)

Looks like one ‘Geo’ param is internalized but not the others. :frowning:

Ahh I see, this one should be good, I had to make the file smaller. I just checked on an empty rhino file. Sorry again. :sweat: So here I’m trying to remove the columns outside of the geo, but keep the ones inside.
Geometry (4.5 MB)

I don’t think it is.

  1. There is a bunch of irrelevant code in the file that is a distraction.

  2. The vertical pipes each consist of several overlapping (or touching?) parts.

Geometry (4.5 MB)

Move the ‘path idx’ slider to see the other branch of ‘Geo’ geometry intersections.
Move the ‘list idx’ slider to highlight (yellow) other intersections in the branch selected by ‘path idx’.

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In a case like this where internalizing geometry results in a very large GH file (4.5 MB :bangbang:), it’s better IMHO to keep the geometry in a Rhino file. Then multiple versions of the GH code, which is relatively small, don’t require re-posting the large Rhino file (geometry).

Thanks for letting me know and thanks for solving my issue. It was mostly an issue of grafting my geometry and doing Solid Int instead of Solid Diff. :grin: