I know there is guidance on how to write and compile Grasshopper components using Visual Studio. Is there any guidance on using VS Code for this?
google “long nguyen c#”
Why are you referring to a Vogue fashion editor who died from self-inflicted wounds? A little more detail would be helpful.
Or perhaps you are referring to these videos on YouTube and Vimeo?
[Part 1/6] C# Scripting and Plugin Development for Grasshopper - YouTube
C# Scripting and Plugin Development for Rhinoceros and Grasshopper - Long Nguyen - Day 2 Part 1 on Vimeo
I am looking for Visual Studio Code (ideally using Python, although I didn’t mention this). I have taken a look at the videos and they are based on Visual Studio not on Visual Studio Code.
VSCode option:
To build .ghuser objects with icons and other properties when python is used I use componentizer:
Be aware that these will be ghuser objects, if you want to compile the components you need to follow another procedure which is not vscode:
I think there is no ready-to-use solution. But if you follow the Grasshopper SDK, you can basically setup the same template for Visual Studio Code by adapting these steps:
Essentially its all about referencing some GH and Rhino dlls, implementing some interfaces and build and rename the compiled.dll into .gha. It shouldn’t matter if you use IronPython or C#, but I could imagine that using IronPython adds another layer on complexity. Personally I’m not so sure if its really worth the effort, because within the .NET world, using VSCode is definitely a step backwards. VS offers a much better debugging and profiling experience, which justifies all the disadvantages. Especially if you run into any sort of programming issue.
Also see this, in case you want to know how to include autocompletion etc: