Creating familly with different types elements

HI Comunity,

I wanted to know if it is possible to create a family with Rhino inside including different variations (types) for the family.
Here what I mean.

Thanks a lot

Hi Reneluna, Can give a little more detail on what you are thinking?

Typically creating family types like the one you are illustrating is done by association individual visibility parameters. Example Type 1 would have a Type 1 visible parameter that is only checked in Type 1 and associated with that geometry.

Another way is to set Type Parameters, for example a Height Parameter to be set for each type, which is something RiR can easily do by accessing the Element Type>Parameters.

Hi Japhy,
Could you please explain a bit more on how to create multiple family types in a newly created family?
I found the “new component family”
does not have type input. So, If I created a new family, even I have multiple geometries or multiple visible values, I could not find the way to set them as different types? Please find attached image for what I mean.

Thank you in advance, I think this topic is very interesting and useful.
Best regards
Tran Dang

You will need to Associate the family parameter in the Revit UI.

Here is a quick overview of the workflow…

Individual Visibility Parameters need to be created in the family, then Associated with the Element. In each Type you would then turn off any geometry you wouldn’t want to see.

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Thank you Japhy,
I understand. I was trying to find a direct way from Grasshopper but I had no luck.
Your way makes sense. Do you think we could have a type input in the create new family component? So we do not really need to modify stuff manually in Revit?
Thank you in advance.
Best regards
Tran Dang

Using Grasshopper components you can currently create the types in the project environment (11.0 KB)

The next steps aren’t fluid and we need more family document specific components.

You can do almost all the steps in GH, but need to switch back and forth between Project and Family. The association of the family parameter to the family geometry is the only manual aspect.

In the family document you can add the parameters. (6.3 KB)

You would then associate the geometry manually and push the family back into the project.

Once back in the project you can modify the Type Parameters appropriately. Like is said, not exactly fluid with the current components. (12.6 KB)

Revit 2022.1

FamilyTypesProjects-R22.rvt (1.7 MB)

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Hi Japhy,
You are a legend. Thank you for your very detailed instruction. It is awesome.
Best regards
Tran Dang