Creating a spiral on a curved surface in 3d

I am trying to create a spiral on a tree like structure, but the spacing between the spirals are not equal and proportionate as I have done it manually or say randomly on a curved surface, is their any other way to create the same.
I have attached the reference image , also the image of the structure that I have tried.

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welcome to the community, most of the time if you want some useful answers it is better you post your script and geometry or from a Rhino file or internalized geometry in Grasshopper.
Without that information helper has to recreate your geometry and it could be done in a different ways from yours so this could not help you.
Here are some good advice.

If your geometry is a surface, you just have to use UV coordinate (reparameterized is more simple) then you can get something like that coordinate of a curve is
(x, (x*f(x))%1)
x is [0,1],

and if you have mesh and no UV it could be possible to use vector flow



And here a script with 2 ways and a little extra
First way => No plugin

Second Way => Nautilus Plugin

Third just some play

spiral curve on 3d (344.7 KB)