surface 2.pdf (515.1 KB)
surface.3dm (141.5 KB)
Yes, that is as expected.
What’s the question?
Anyway, depending on what result you expect , you should use _unroll or _smash, eventually _squish.
(deleted post)
Dear @Mark_Siders
welcome to the forum - i’ve seen you joined 3h before…- everybody here tries to help and this forum is a great place, and one of the unique “features” of rhino.
But please provide more info, a screenshot, a few sentences of what you re after.
voluntary people open your post and the first thing, they want to see - “can I help ?”.
in short
_createUVcrvs will present curves on a surfaces in their parameter space. (you will always get a rectangle representing U and V dimension - and if you pick additional curves - you get them inside the rectangle, and if a surface is trimmed, the same for the trims…)
maybe search this forum for developable surfaces frist.
kind regards -tom