Create New Title Block

I am still trying to understand title blocks.

I have a model and several layouts with various details in each. I want to create a title block that can be used on all the layouts. I am confused as to where I draw this, how I can save it as a template, and how I then display in on any given Layout.

I see there is the possibility dynamic text fields and such, which is awesome, but I am still unclear how to create from scratch a very basic one.

Hi Robert Del Bueno,

You can setup a file to your Standards and choose the File>Save as Template option. One saved you can then use the File>New from Template and select your template with the option to make it the default.

Wim as an example here of using the Text Fields in titleblocks Title Block with Text Fields

Thank you for the reply. However it is still unclear where one creates the T/B. I have tried drawing it, while in a layout view, on a layer name “Title Block”. If I then go to another layout, and ensure the Title Block layer is ON, the previously drawn elements are not there, rather the layer is blank. I can draw on that layer in that Layout, but anything drawn is specific to that layout.

The link you sent did not clarify the points I am asking about.

I am missing something fundamental, I am sure.
How then, given I already have a model file, with several layouts, do I create a single T/B that can be applied to all layouts?

Here is an intro course on layouts that may clears things up. Introduction to Layouts in Rhino [McNeel Wiki]

Clear as mud.
While the tutorial is helpful regarding layouts in general, the application of a reusable title block is a bit glossed over.

At 30:00 in the video, Mary adds a title block… but she does not create one, rather she INSERTS one that already exists. How did it come to be?

You alluded to it in your first comment, by saying one can “setup a file to your Standard”, and then save it as a template. Sorry to be so thick headed here, but Ok, lets assume I start with a brand new clean file, and I want to create a 24x36 title block/border file that I can later import as Mary does in her tutorial.


Do keep the model space empty, but add a Layout, specify it as 24x36, then draw in the layout view my borders, add text blocks, etc. Then save the file as a .3dm, and import/embed this file into my current file while in a layout? Do layer names need to be consistent across the template file and the one I am importing it into?

Again, pardon my clear lack of something fundamental here.

Hi Robert -

It doesn’t matter where you create it.

  1. You first create it anywhere (if you do it on a layout, you have the benefits of having the size of your paper and the correct units)
  2. You turn it into a block (with the Block command)
  3. You insert it where necessary

I guess the point that is not clear is that you will need to insert this on any new layout that you make. That, or copy an existing dummy layout in the file.

Ok. Starting to gel. I also noticed in the tutorial that Mary just copied the block to clipboard from one layout, then pasted it into another layout (and the dynamic text fields updated accordingly).
Ok. Thanks for your help. Gonna play with it a bit and see if I can figure it out.

Just in case someone hits this thread in a search… I only now see that Japhy pointed to my Rhino 6 attempt of creating a T/B. Rhino 7 added a lot in this regard and a newer version is available from Custom user text in title block - #2 by wim