Create Icosphere with (at least one) specified triangle edge length

I’ve been asked to create an icosphere with a 1M triangle edge length (actually, was asked to use equilateral triangles with 1M edges, but I’ve already read this thread that answers that very efficiently, thanks to @DanielPiker)

So now I’m wondering how to create the icosphere like I get from @dale’s Polyhedra plugin, with the added element of being able to input the triangle edge-length. Am I looking solely at GH or Paneling Tools? I’m not a user of either, unfortunately.

Maybe a website that does it…?



Hi @Alan_Farkas,

Try using the MeshTriangleSphere command found in RhinoPolyhedra.

– Dale

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Thanks, @dale, but while it gives the option for Maximum edge length, it leaves too many of the variables open – eg. at the overall radius of 2250mm, I’m getting edges at between ~550mm to ~620mm. (Though I am interested in knowing the dumbed down version of what’s different between the Mesh IcoSphere and Mesh TriangleSphere, at least mesh-wise, as the edges look different)

Any other ideas?


EDIT: Just saw what happens when you drag the size of the Mesh Triangle Sphere - it adds faces. Pretty darn cool.