Editing a Block in perspective view.
Created a new layer to move a surface to.
Selection filter area was blank and locked where it had been (curves only checked) so I couldn’t select surfaces.
SelectionFilter command had no effect.
Block Edit window inactive and unresponsive.
Commands could be entered on command line but no response.
File>SaveAs created blank file.
Clicking on red X (upper right) closed Rhino instantly without request to save work.
On opening the project since the last save, the project is stuck in Block Edit without the Block Edit window showing. “Unlock” usually corrects that occurence. Not so this time. I may have lost the days’ work.
Not stuck in block edit - misinterpreting because of locked layers. The block instance I was editing has been exploded, I presume in the state in which I saved the project last.
So - all OK now or have you hit a snag?