Hello I am a complete nube to 3d modeling and I am learning as I go I have a 3d model of my house that I have been working on for weeks and its been a nightmare with everything coming at me at once but I have been able to figure most of it out by searching. This time I have failed and I am having an issue where I need to adjust a cplane but it changes my cplane in other views. and non of my cplanes match. I am wanting to draw from the top view but my cpolane os sop far off that boxes come in at an angle is ther a way to change only one cplane and not effect the others, or make al the cplanes match. right now if I move my object it moves off the cplnes in the other views.
Thanks for the reply im not sure if im doing it right but that didn’t work
hmm maybe you have universal construction planes activated, try changing it to standard under options/modeling aids (the one with the ruler and the pencil)
just to be sure to check that from the list, the cplanes always look different in relation to your model because they reference your coordinates xyz
now use the command 4 view twice in a row and start from scratch and with your settings that you showed there is nothing more i could imagine
the 4 view command fixed it thank you for your help and time.