Copy Revit elements

Hi all,
I am trying to copy some Revit elements using RIR. I guess the “copy” command in RIR is “Clone”?
But when I use it in RIR, there is something wrong: Both the object location, and the orientation are not right. Especially when I Clone multiple elements, they seems to be “compress” together in one location…

Am I missing something? I wonder what is the correct way using clone, or what is the correct way to copy elements in RIR?
Many thanks


I think it is because you need to provide a location for each element. Here is a way to do it, but when it comes to create the locations for the cloned elements, you may have another logic different to this one. Also, it is necessary to graft the inputs in the Clone Element component when you have multiple elements.

Copy Revit (7.8 KB)

Hope this helps!