If I am trying to import Rhino linework (lines, polylines and arcs), into AutoCAD 2020-22 linework (lines/arcs/polylines), they turn into ‘splines’ the moment I try to join them to form ‘closed polylines’.
It seems like an easy conversion, however, can’t find any answers. Is there a way to achieve this without changing any geometry.
Hi Cyrus - I am not sure I follow - these curves should form , and do here, polycurves, in Rhino when joined. I need more about what is not right, here…
I see - here, your dxf is separate lines and arcs as Rhino sees it. The dxf export schemes offer various options for how curves and surfaces are exported -
Hi Pascal
I think I tried every combination in those export settings to avoid splines. But somehow it ends up in Splines. What settings would you use though?
Pascal, it is not a Rhino issue for sure. However, thank you so much.
Just now I may have figured it out. This might be a stroke of luck. But it seems that it has to do with the Curve Normals to be “+Z”. (image below).