Convert hatch to surface

I would like to find a way to convert a hatch to a surface to be recognized on GH after .
Could you help me to resolve this issue?
many thanks

There does not seem to be a native command to convert a hatch to a surface.
You can run the following Python script, which is an example script from mcneel which i slightly altered:

import Rhino
import scriptcontext

def ExplodeHatch():
    filter = Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Hatch
    rc, objref = Rhino.Input.RhinoGet.GetOneObject("Select hatch to explode", False, filter)
    if rc != Rhino.Commands.Result.Success: return

    hatch = objref.Geometry()
    if not hatch: return

    hatch_geom = hatch.Explode()
    if hatch_geom:
      for geom in hatch_geom:
          if geom.ObjectType == Rhino.DocObjects.ObjectType.Brep:

if __name__=="__main__":

This will take a hatch you select and add a surface representation of that hatch to the rhinodoc.

Totally forgot _Explode works on hatches!
@Piotr is totally right

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Exploding solid hatch makes it a surface, but it happens outside GH. You can load it afterwards.


I tried to explode but it don’t convert it properly…

Thanks for your help
! I think the curve are to complex for it. It give the same result as explode it :confused:

They are, certainly, not to complex for this operation but rather messy.
Post the file, please.

1906_test3.3dm (846.3 KB)

hope it can help… :confused:

Human and elefront have some great hatch/deconstruct Hatch tools.
If you are on Rhino 6, you could use something like this in a GhPython component.
set your type hint for input X to GUID.
Refernce your Hatch into a GUID parameter and feed into x of ghpython:

import Rhino

obj = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Objects.Find(x)
ghHatchPattern = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.HatchPatterns.FindIndex(obj.HatchGeometry.PatternIndex)

RawGeo = obj.HatchGeometry.CreateDisplayGeometry(ghHatchPattern,1)
a = RawGeo[0]
b = RawGeo[1]
c = RawGeo[2]


NOTE: I did not test this with your file.

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I think it’s a tolerance problem…

You model in meters and your tolerance is set to 1 Centimeter, while many features of your curves are less then 1cm in length. This is bound to produce problems.

Two ways to fix this:

  • scale your geometry by facto of 100 or 1000
  • set your tolerance tighter, for example 0,001 or 0,0001

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yes i did the model in autocad in centimeter. but i’m drawing in rhino a model that need to be in meter… So i did a scale… I will have look to the tolerance :wink: many thanks !

yeahh it was that! the tolerance ! Many thanks !!!