Contour of a image made ​​by a polyline

No, there isn’t a method to trim a Brep with a curve. In this case, try extruding the curve so it intersects the Brep. Then, use Brep.Trim.

Hi, I tried as you said but the Brep.trim gives me an brep without image:

       'Pick image
        Dim dialog As New OpenFileDialog()
        dialog.Filter = "Image Files|*.bmp;*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.pcx;*.png;*.tif;*.tiff"
        dialog.Title = "Select deck image"
        Dim rc As DialogResult = dialog.ShowDialog()
        If rc <> DialogResult.OK Then
          Return Result.Cancel
        End If

        'Read image size
        Dim myImage As Image = Image.FromFile(dialog.FileName)
        Dim p0 As New Point3d(0, 0, 0)
        Dim p1 As New Point3d(myImage.Size.Width, 0, 0)
        Dim p3 As New Point3d(0, myImage.Size.Height, 0)
        Dim plane As Plane = New Rhino.Geometry.Plane(p0, p1, p3)

        'add the pictureframe
        Dim MyPictureFrameID As Guid = doc.Objects.AddPictureFrame(plane, dialog.FileName, False, myImage.Size.Width, myImage.Size.Height, True, True)
        Dim MyPictureFrameObj As RhinoObject = doc.Objects.Find(MyPictureFrameID)
        Dim MyPictureBrep As Rhino.Geometry.Brep = TryCast(MyPictureFrameObj.Geometry, Rhino.Geometry.Brep)

        'ask for rotate?

        ''Scale the picture Frame
        'MyPictureFrameObj.Geometry.Transform(Geometry.Transform.Scale(p0, 1))

        'Pick the cutting rectangle
        Dim corners As Point3d()
        Dim res As Result = Rhino.Input.RhinoGet.GetRectangle(corners)
        If res <> Result.Success Then
            Return res
        End If
        Dim CuttingPt0 As Point3d = corners(0)
        Dim CuttingPt1 As Point3d = corners(1)
        Dim CuttingPt3 As Point3d = corners(3)
        Dim CuttingPt2 As New Point3d(CuttingPt1.X, CuttingPt3.Y, 0)
        Dim TrimmingRect As New Rhino.Geometry.Rectangle3d(plane, CuttingPt0, CuttingPt2)

        'Create the trimming Brep
        Dim TrimmingBrep As Brep = Extrusion.Create(TrimmingRect.ToNurbsCurve.DuplicateCurve(), 100, False).ToBrep
        TrimmingBrep.Translate(0, 0, -50)
        Dim TrimmingBrepId As Guid = doc.Objects.AddBrep(TrimmingBrep)

        'trim the pictureframe
        doc.Objects.Add(MyPictureBrep.Trim(TrimmingBrep, 0.001)(0))

        'remove the trimming surface
        doc.Objects.Delete(TrimmingBrepId, True)


This add a new Brep to the document. But where is the original object’s attributes, which contain the material, texture mapping, etc?

Try passing the original object’s Attributes to ObjectTable.Add.

You might use ObjectTable.Replace instead.

– Dale

Hi Dale,
Thank you so much for your help this is perfect!