Contour change

I’m new to this morphia thing and I’m trying to learn as much as possible about it. Could anyone help me with a morphia involving solids? I want to select the single contour curve and turn it into a target curve, like in the image.

Hi @Roberto_da_Silva_Kum,

What is this?

– Dale

This is a shoe sole. I have the original curve of the sole, and I want to make a morphy for another curve. An automatic adaptation to the target curve.

Hi @Roberto_da_Silva_Kum,

You are trying to Morph the orange geometry of the sole from the reference curve/source curve (green) on the right to the target curve (magenta) on the left.

Is that correct?

Could you attach your .3dm file of the content in your screenshot please?

That’s right. I’ll share another file I have. It contains the sole, the base contour curve and the target curve.