Hi everyone,
As the title suggests I was wondering if there is a way to create contours that follow along the shape of an object in Grasshopper, rather than simply in the x/y direction
This is a simplified version of a contour I have set in the x-direction
This is what I am trying to accomplish
Thank you for any help/feedback!!
Contour Along object shape.gh (62.8 KB)
June 28, 2024, 7:54pm
If you maintian the curve used to generate the Brep, you may consider using a PerpFrame component in conjunction with a BrepPlane Intersect Component
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June 28, 2024, 8:01pm
Ah… Looks like Brep-Brep Intersection is needed for this type of curve/pipe
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June 28, 2024, 8:08pm
@baileydw ’s solution works very well.
i’ll add that for more complex/amorphous shapes, take a look here:
A script demonstrating the Heat Method for Distance Computation, as described here
This came up recently in another thread , and I thought others might find it an interesting example. It is a fast way of getting approximate geodesic distances from a given point to all points on a mesh.
Here solved in an iterative fashion, without any extra numerics library. This is not the fastest way to do it, but it does let you see what’s going on and interact with it.
HeatMethod2.gh (163.7 KB) …
and here:
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You could use surface iso-curves:
Contour Along object shape.gh (73.2 KB)
I used the brep edges to grab the ‘seam’ curve (or whatever it’s called) and divide with points. You can either use distance between points or length of segments.
Wow thank you all for the replies. @baileydw this is just what I needed, awesome!!
July 1, 2024, 2:25pm
No problem!
If you have a non-regular cross section (ie. Lofted surface instead of a circular pipe) then the solution proposed by @René_Corella is likely what you will want to go with.
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November 26, 2024, 11:22pm
what about contour along object which consists of multiple polysurfaces?