I would like to contour this geometry, however I am unable to make the contour follow the curvature of the geometry (not being the X or Y axis).
I think this is a simple problem to solve, but I can’t find the solution.
estimulos.gh (26.1 KB)
Thank you!
estimulos.gh (26.1 KB)
What direction are you trying to contour in? Can you upload a sketch of what you are trying to achieve?
My idea is to achieve something like this: frames/sections follwing the curvature
Hi @Taynan_Saquet
You could use “intersect brep plane” for this.
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That image is almost useless. Is this what you want?
No one could possibly help you without posting your code, please remember that.
I can’t find the solution either because there was no code posted in the marked “Solution”. And this problem was poorly defined.
Thank you so much!
It worked out!
Thank you so much!
It really helped
Hello Joseph, thank you for trying to help me. This is my 1st time using the forum and I do apologize for not using it correctly.
I already marked the comment with the code available as the solution if you are interested to see the solution.
That looks NOTHING like your description of the “simple problem”.