Hi All,
I have one pyramid cone, please help me to make curves along two directions by equal spacing same as picture below. Pyramid cone I use Rhino with two rectangular and use loft command to make it.
Thanks All
Hi All,
I have one pyramid cone, please help me to make curves along two directions by equal spacing same as picture below. Pyramid cone I use Rhino with two rectangular and use loft command to make it.
Thanks All
Remove that face of your Brep.
Thanks you, and how I can make curves for two direction?
Contour in the other direction as well.
Thank you I will try
Hi Sir
I deconstruct the brep, out one list of face. How I can remove top face in my list item?
Thank you very much,
It very good method, but maybe the result is not done. The contour equal from first and last, my result is below.
And did you know how to offset one brep object?
If you have a question to ask, then read bellow thread first and post your working file with all your rhino geometries internalized.
You didn’t post anything but some pretty useless screen grabs…
And what do you mean by that? What brep?
Hi Sir,
I am sorry to miss attach my file. Please see my file below
BREP.gh (5.3 KB)
BREP.3dm (71.6 KB)
for offset brep I see one component in panda but in Rhino 6 it do not show
If you’d like to give some thickness to your brep and make a waffle out of it, then I’d recommend to use some plugins…
Dear Sir,
Thank you so much for your support me and forum, your are great!
Kind regards,
Sorry, I don’t understand your question. Your countours are already there.
Please see my grasshopper new revision for more detail, I manual to get contour(curve) and it not join same contour
Brep rev2.gh (17.4 KB)