Constant Make2D Crash

Hi, my rhino software crashes constantly as I tried to make a front view 2D. I see that my CPU is already running 100% but the software just doesn’t respond.

My project is rather simple however with many curves created by networksrf and sweep, does that affect the process and cause consistent crashes?

I’ve also attached the file that I’m trying to make 2D with

GPU Geforce RTX 2080
CPU Core i7 9700k
RAM HyperX 32GB DDR4 2933MHz (2 X 16GB)
Storage 512GB PCIe NVMe M.2 SSD, 2TB 7200 RPM SATA HDDViewport (New Nov7).3dm (4.6 MB)

Hello - please post a file or send to, with a link back to this thread in your notes.


Hi thanks for quick response, just attached it above

Hello - the file is in millimeters and the scene extends over 7 million units from the World origin, and the file tolerance is .001 mm - and there are coincident surfaces in the model… this is a recipe for non-cooperation from Make2D I would,say. I’d clean up the extra surfaces that are sitting on top of the complex polysurfaces - the faces in those can probably also be simplified but leave it for now. I changed units to meters and moved everything to the world origin.,…

Looks like this is the one Make2dD does not like:


I’m still poking at it. There is a degenerate surface in that thing, on the vertical ‘pivot’

Here is a cleaner version- Viewport (New Nov7)Meters_Spiralramp.3dm (114.3 KB)


Alright! Thanks! I guess I should scale the model down before make 2D as well then?

Scaling an object would not affect Make2D performance I think. Just make sure your units are fit for the size of your object, and that your 3D geometry is not far from the origin (0,0,0 point) You wouldn’t use kilometers to model a door handle, and you wouldn’t use millimeters when modeling a highway. Also, the tolerance setting should be consistent with the units setting. If you’re modeling a building using centimeters, you probably don’t need 0.0001mm accuracy.

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Pascal, I have the same issue with make2d and my file is clean. No bad objects, no blocks - just surfaces and polysurfaces. The unit setting is in meters and the objects are within a range of 10m away from 0,0,0 with only a few meters length, width, height. I am running the latest Rhino 6 on a new windows 10 machine / 9700k / 32gb / RTX 2060 / 1tb SSD. Whenever I try to generate a 2d with all the objects selected, Rhino crashes. If I select the parts piece by piece and register them with the ones created before, it works- but that obviously isn’t ideal! Selecting a few objects more in one go causes a crash again. It seems it is a out of memory problem, bt looking at my task manager I can see only 30% of the available memory is being used by the open programs. Restarting also didn’t help. Tried it out on Rhino 5-64 and no problem there. It’s just less precise and much slower than Make2D on R6. Of course I would like to do all in R6 instead of going back and forth between 5 and 6. Any idea what could be the problem? If you want the file I can email it to you. I cannot upload it to a public server as the project is confidential.

Hi Robert, yes, please upload the model here
Make sure to provide the link to this thread in the Comments field.

Hi Wim,
thanks for the prompt reply. Just uploaded the file.
BR Robert

Thanks for that file, Robert. That crashes Rhino 6 here as well but works fine in the Rhino 7 WIP.
I’ll have someone check if something can be done about this.

Cheers Wim. I’ll go for R7 WIP then when I need 2D drawings until the problem is found and fixed by your colleagues.

Hi Robert - it seems like it’s Maxwell that is causing the crash. Can you confirm that, when you disable Maxwell, that this doesn’t crash on your system?

Hi Wim - Correct. It is Maxwell! I disabled it in the PlugIn manager and - voilà - make2D works great. I will maybe go back to render things with Maxwell in Rhino 5 and disable the plug-in in Rhino 6 permanently. Maxwell for R6 seems to be more like a kind of a banana product still and needs to ripen at the customers home…nevertheless: thank you for your help and effort!! Very appreciated!
Will you inform the guys from Next Limit that their plug-in for R6 is causing problems or do you want me to write to them?
Best, Robert

Hi Robert - it’s best that you, as a user, reports this to Next Limit.

I will. Thank you again!

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