Curious how you created the original geometry? Would be nice to separately adjust the strength value for each opening (blue lines) but that doesn’t look so simple… Explored some ideas but haven’t managed to separate all the arches.
This is quite insane. I don’t know enough about Kangaroo to create this from scratch but managed to hack code (white and purple groups) that allows ‘Strength’ to be set separately for each of the five “cables” (openings). I added pipes and colors to make them more visible and adjusted strength on each one to approximately match the original opening heights (blue curves).
Hey ! Nice one Joseph !
In my case, the tension factors for the cables are set by the user by assigning a Rhino name to each edge curve, the name being an integer interpreted as the Kangaroo “strength” value.
These values are read through the new “Model object” component.
If the value is “zero”, the edge is considered fixed.