Kangaroo Formfinding

Hello guys,

Hi guys,
I’m trying to create a form with Kangaroo like the one in the photo. My definition worked with a rectangle, but I can’t get it to work with a self-designed mesh. Also, I can’t get a fixing point in the center. Could someone please look over my definition?

Kangaroo Formfinding.gh (12.8 KB)

Hey Celia. I hope this works for you. I’ve added a few changes to your script. First, I’ve separated the naked points from the other points when feeding into your sphere generation. Second, I’ve increased mesh density significantly. Of course, you’ll need to play with all of this to get it to work for your needs.

I’ve also changed two things you didn’t mention just so you can see how they can improve your workflow. First, I removed your ‘merge’ and ‘list item’ blocks and replaced them with Entwine and BANG blocks. That way your data structure will be much more robust in and out of the Kangaroo solver. Lastly I swapped your color block out for a mesh visualization block with colors by deflection which can be very useful when developing formfinding scripts.

One thing I noticed was that the form in the image is not constrained to Z-transformations, but your script is. Idk the implications of this, just something I noticed.
Kangaroo Formfinding_SM_edits_20240105.gh (29.3 KB)