Components multiplying when opening the file

This is a simple file I’ve created for building some batteries support. As I try to open again it starts to multiply itself and I have to close Rhino or wait until it hangs.
The screen and file are attached.
Does this ever happened with someone else?

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Looks like metahopper is stuck in a loop. (I didn’t open the file, I’m a bit scared)
I noticed that some metahopper component keep themselves aware of the changes in the canvas in real time.

In your case, if mtahopper creates new instances depending on the number of component, without a limit, it would create a situation like yours…

I don’t know if you can stop this from happening, but if Grasshopper isn’t responding, do this :
Close both rhino and Gh
Open Rhino then load grasshopper (NOT A FILE, simply type “Grasshopper” in command)
Lock the solver (in the solution tab)
Load your file

Maybe @andheum has a better idea of what’s happening?

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It’s actually the interaction between metahopper and Bifocals that’s causing the problem — Either one alone would have been fine. Bifocals creates little invisible groups for every component, which are included in the output of the “get groups” component — these groups contain the “Best practicizer” and the “get groups” components themselves. I highly recommend using the menu item to do “best practicize” and not the component — it’s much safer.


Thanks @andheum and @antoinemaes!
This wasn’t a complex file that I couldn’t build again from scratch but I was worried that it could happen in my other files too. With your help I fixed the file and now I know what to do to avoid that.

Thank you very much! :+1: