I have a grasshopper file using HumanUI which works great. When I compile it to a .rhp, it seems to install fine, and even functions normally (there’s a “bake” that returns the proper geometry). But the .gh file has a CustomPreview component so you can see the model prior to baking. This preview is the only thing that is not working.
Additionally: If I use the plugin without the preview and then close it (by closing the HumanUI window), everything is fine until I re-run the plugin. I get an error message when I try to run the plugin a second time: “No output contextual components in definition.”
Is there a trick to get the CustomPreview component to work with a compiled .gh/.rhp?
When I run an .rhp that uses a HumanUI Window for UI, I see the window briefly popup, but then it disappears. I looked behind all open windows/applications in case it was behind something, but is was just gone. I tried several times and the same thing happened.
I rolled back to 8.13.2492 and the problem is fixed.
@eirannejad - With the recent 8.14.24332, my compiled RHP’s (with HumanUI windows) are now not working at all. The plugin window does appear (blank) while the RHP is loading, but then disappears completely with no error message.
@declan Is this repeatable with a fresh build of plugin? Sounds more related to the possible Rhino UI and Eto framework changes but I can investigate. Is it possible to DM me a definition or plugin that repeats the issue?
Thank you for sending this over! There was a modification done to how gh definitions are kept in memory so now the command that runs the embedded grasshopper definition, pays attention to the ‘Keep Open’ setting of the gh document. Turn this on and republish your plugin to test. Keep it mind for this to work the command will keep the gh definition in memory
A quick update: using RH8.16 to compile .gh into RHP I am still having issues with CustomPreview and/or not seeing the compiled GUI. Here is the deal:
A1) With “Keep open after command completes” & using Custom Preview component to preview geometry, the compiled RHP preview remains active permanently (even after using other commands).
A2) With “Keep open after command completes” & Content Cache to preview object works as expected and GUI stays active.
B) Without “Keep open after command completes” & using Custom Preview component to preview geometry, the RHP GUI flashes for a second and then disappears.