Comparing laptops to buy for rendering

Hi @bscottmfg
Without being an expert, your system seems more than OK for “light rendering”. Since there is no Rhino file to test and you don’t give any indication of what “crazy slow” means, I’m going to try and give you a few general pointers: Run SystemInfo in Rhino and copy/paste the result here. There might be issues with your installation or drivers - the 2060 Max Q should be just fine for Cycles. Make sure your drivers are up-to-date, if they aren’t already. Also, make sure that the GPU is set under CUDA in the Cycles portion of Rhino options.
And make sure to read THIS if it’s a hybrid system (2 graphics cards, one slow, eg. Intel, and one fast, eg. your RTX 2060),
Also check your model for bad objects - they can sometimes really mess things up. Also, are you using really, really massive textures? That also could be issue.
In other words: Give us something more to go by when you ask questions. “Crazy slow” and “couldn’t handle workload” are hard to relate to. Post some render times and a Rhino file, and we can see if your computer is indeed “crazy slow” :slight_smile:
HTH, Jakob

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