Command Prompt Height

@stevebaer / @dale ,

Is there a way to get/set the Command Prompt Height for Rhino?

I would like to be able to both read and write the current height of the Command Prompt area from code.

I’d also like to react to changes in the windows height, so maybe if the RhinoApp.AppSettingsChanged could be raised whenever the height of the window is adjusted, then I could properly react and place some toast notifications in our application without obscuring the Command Prompt.

Let me know if this is possible.


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@JohnM - is this something you can help with?


There is currently nothing in the SDK that will notify you of command prompt size changes. We would have to wire something up.

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OK, is there anything that I can use to get/set the height from RhinoCommon (or otherwise)?

Does your plug-in use Eto and is it Windows, Mac or cross platform?

@JohnM Our plugin is Windows only. We do not use ETO but we are using WPF.

I do have some logic to try to style some of the ETO controls to match our theme.

I am referencing RhinoWindows nugget package also.

I was hoping I could use some generic Eto functions to locate the command window but there is currently no way to do it reliably since the Command window is a special control and is not part of the panel system. Getting the command control host would require additional SDK functions.

Does this mean it won’t be possible, but will be in a future update? Or is this something that won’t be available until v8? Or will this just not ever be available?

Hi @jstevenson,

I’ve logged your wish:

If this is ever implemented, it will be done sometime during the life of Rhino 8 or later.

– Dale

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I hope this message finds you well. We are preparing to release version 1 of our plugin in January 2025 and were wondering if there’s any chance of obtaining a solution for the issue we’re facing within the next couple of months.

Currently, we’ve been unable to adjust the command prompt height in Rhino 8 due to how we reparent the Rhino window into our custom UI, coupled with some new behavior in the command prompt interface. If we can resolve this, it would allow us to implement our own UI solution ahead of our scheduled release.

Thank you very much for your time and consideration.

Best regards,

Hi @jstevenson,

I’ve moved the issue up in priority. But I can make no promises.

– Dale

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Thank you sir! Appreciate anything you can do.

Hi @jstevenson,

Can you review the above YouTrack link and see if it gives you a path forward?


– Dale

Unfortunately it doesn’t really help our users, we do have a default window layout file that we apply, but our Rhino 7 users were accustomed to being able to make the command prompt smaller and larger as needed.

This I believe worked in Rhino 8 initially, I feel like there was a particular SR that broke the behavior, but I can’t be certain which SR.

<dock_bar guid="1d3d1785-2332-428b-a838-b2fe39ec50f4" unmanaged="True" text="Command" dock_style="TopAndBottom">
  <placement dock_style="TopAndBottom" dock_location="Top" recent_dock_location="Top" dock_band_size="200,66" dock_band_item_size="1,-1" docked_placement="0,0" float_size="602,95" visible="True" />

We include the above segment in our window layout which loads with our Scheme/Skin.

For now I’ve had to create a Rhino Command that unparents the Rhino Window from our main application window, and then reparents the window when they are done adjusting the command prompt height.

Thanks @jstevenson, I see what’s going on, and I see why.

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@jstevenson - I pushed a fix into SR14. With luck, it should be available in today’s SR14 Release Candidate.

– Dale


Just checking, I didn’t see an update pushed today, is rhino_en-us_8.14.24317.14001.exe still the latest RC install?

We haven’t pushed one out yet. If we don’t get one out today, we can send you an internal build tomorrow.

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That would be amazing, thanks Steve.

If your fix is in this nightly build (see below), unfortunately it doesn’t fix our issue. I can get the resize handle cursor to show, but clicking and dragging has no effect on the command prompt.

The only fix continues to be unparenting Rhinos window from ours, resizing, and reparenting to lock it in place.
