Dock Command Prompt to bottom (Options.Appearance.CommandPromptPosition)

Hi, is there a way to dock the Command Prompt Panel to the bottom other than manually drag it there?

There is an advanced option, Rhino.Options.Appearance.CommandPromptPosition, that in Rhino 7 seems to do the job:
0 → dock to top
1 → dock to bottom
2 → float

But it is not working in Rhino 8. Is there a way to do it with RhinoCommon?

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Hi @albert,

there is a way but it is extemely buggy in R8 if the command prompt has been on top before, but caution (!) do not run below unless you want to reproduce a bug:

# Do not run below code in Rhino 8 unless necessary
position = Rhino.ApplicationSettings.CommandPromptPosition.Bottom
Rhino.ApplicationSettings.AppearanceSettings.CommandPromptPosition = position

setting it back to Top seems to fail in V8. You’ll need to double click on the left handle of the CommandPrompt do undock it and then drag it on top again. It leaves an empty space at the bottom. Once you’ll drag the top edge of that empty space the command prompt appears again at the bottom. :roll_eyes:

I’ve tried then to reset Rhino.Options.Appearance.CommandPromptPosition to 0 but even after reopening Rhino 8 the command prompt was still displayed on the bottom. To get back to normal, i had to reset my window positions to default.

@pascal could you please add this to the bugtracker ?


Thanks Clement! I’ll try it to see how much painful is the buggy behavior.

Yes, it behaves as you described. I had to delete the Scheme settings files in userdata folder to recover Rhino 8 from the empty space left. Not acceptable at all.

I’m looking forward to finding another way to achieve it.

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