Color Scheme

I’m trying to extract from Revit to Rhino certain room parameters. So far with the Element Parameter component I have been able to grab Name, Area, and Department. I would like to also grab the color information of the room that is controlled by the Color Scheme Is there some component that can grab this parameter?

That info can be accessed with the Revit API R22+. How are you looking to gather that info (per view, or per scheme). What are you looking to do with the colors/names?

Hi Japhy,

I want to structure the data like the image shown below. I am doing this per room and since the department controls the color it would be first by room then by department and finally that will assign it the color. This is with the intention of in getting these room attributes and assigning them to each item when baked.

Here is the color scheme info. Don’t you have to do this by View? Since the same room on a different view can have a different color scheme. (18.4 KB)

hI @Japhy

Is there a way to get and set?

*revit’s color picker is laborious…

It’s possible, a bit tricky.

Here is a rough example to get you going. (15.9 KB)

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Thanks @Japhy

Hi @Japhy

Just found this thread by searching ColorScheme.

I was using your previous script to get some info as well;
Names, Numbers, and so on work correctly.
However, when it comes to the “Style” (key), the NM output is empty.
Is there anywhere I can make it happen?

Is the Style Scheme Key have that value & is it populated?

For instance the Rooms/Area doesn’t have this and returns empty

Can you explain a bit more?
Below is what I currently have.
CS.rvt (5.1 MB)


That Value is a different property, as set by the Space Style Schedulable field.

I see,

Looks like I have to work around and name the style with ordered prefix so that it can correspond with the scheme colors.

What method would you suggest to query the Key? (Ie, Room Style, Space Style…)