Collision solid with surface (letting ball fall into hammock)


Is it possible to collide a solid with a surface without it falling through?

Here is a sketch of what im working with:

  • the surface has its own weight, droops and is stretchable
  • the sphere is a solid and given a gravitational pull downwards

During the simulation everything works as it should, the ball falls and the surface starts to stretch according to the impact.

But closer to the end, the ball starts to fall through.
I tried to play with the stretchability of the surface and weight of the object but nothing works.

Can somebody help me?
I am currently using a SolidPiontCollide

Chaining multiple solvers together like this is almost never a good idea. The downstream solver cannot affect the upstream one, which is why your ball passes through.

Instead a better way is to do the collision using ClampLength between the center of the ball and the vertices of the mesh like this: (16.9 KB)