Coffee Table Design

Coffee table designs are my go to find a new dream table design kind of thing (sorry for the confusing and grammar abused sentence there… It came from a chair design into a GH idea and this came out…)

How hard is it to make such a design?

I know woodworking, we’re talking weeks. I know CNC’s we’re talking legos to be cut, cleaned, painted, assembled by a monkey (aka me) who can read for 2 weeks… Any simpler construction ideas? (yes, creating (drunken thought) a large size 3D printer comes to mind (my cnc could maybe do this.)

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that would be cool :slightly_smiling_face:

other processes might be doable of course, maybe cnc some parts and attach them later. :beers: :face_holding_back_tears:

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It has to be fiberglass. If you’re interested in making it in China, send me the file, and I’ll provide you with a quote.


I know how to do fiberglass but not really a fan. Wood is probably going to be it…

Divide into vertical pieces and lasercut plywood. You’ll need to blend in by hand as the sides of the wood will just be straight. Could also add location to each slide and use a block to line them up in the middle, glue together then cut away the location beams.


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Divide and conquer… My CNC is somewhat limited to a 100x60x11cms volume. So optimizing the cuts of the table parts to be as flat as possible will be needed (and i have a plan for this). Im planning either some assembly interface or a glue/weld approach - then make either moulds or make the parts.

3D printing might be the way to go. I did say might because I have another idea… :slight_smile:

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