I’m thoroughly confused with this one.
The results/output of a cluster is seemingly different depending on if I view those results from inside the cluster or from outside.
These are the results from inside the cluster, they are what I want:
5 branches, filled with data
Hi @Ryan15
I don’t have the solution, but I have witnessed this same thing on multiple occasions, and already kind-of know my ways around it. It has something to do on the fact how branches are computed inside clusters differently.
It happens when you have a combinations of branches and flat lists. Or you have empty branches on some inputs, resulting in not-symmetric input data through all inputs. Openly it is computed correctly, but when closed inside the cluster, data matching fails.
If possible, flatten your lists prior the cluster and “Unflatten Tree” afterwards if you need to keep the tree structure."
Hi Toni,
I tried a couple things which did not resolve issue:
Deleting and recreating the cluster output node
Flattening lists
I was able to get some helpful feedback which led to resolution:
I had nested clusters in the script, which I guess is considered bad practice.
After exploding the nested clusters, the single cluster behaves correctly, same results regardless of inside or outside the cluster.