Cloud Zoo Not Returning License


We’ve got a couple of computers that won’t let got of a licence when Rhino 6 is closed.
To get the licence to return the Cloud Zoo we have to open RH6 and use the command “logout”.
Even if the computer is rebooted the license is still signed out to that machine.

I have also noticed that there is no forced return of the licence to the Cloud Zoo unlike Zoo 6.0.

Is there a workaround for this?

Hi Tom,

We think this problem has been solved; it was a problem on our end with our Cloud Zoo server. Can you please see if it is fixed for you?

@aj1 have you any more details to add?

I’m more than happy to help if the issue persists.

Thanks Guys,

I’ll keep an eye on it and let you know if the problem persists.


We’ve got a couple of computers that won’t let got of a licence when Rhino 6 is closed.
Is this still a current issue?