Eagle_Ray_Help.3dm (503.4 KB)
There is an odd gap in this curved surface. With so many students involved, I cannot determine how this gap was created. How can I close this gap?
Hi Ronald - ExtractSrf
, then ShrinkTrimmedSrf
both, then ExtendSrf
both through one another, then Trim each with the otther, or the curve from Intersect
Hi Pascal. I am going to need a little more help with the steps: (1) these are surfaces, so why do I need to ExtractSrf? (2) What is ShrinkTrimmedSrf? and (3) How do I use ExtendSrf?
I tried the steps, but I was unable to use ExtendSrf to extend the surfaces through one another.
Hi Ronald - The surfaces you need to deal with are joined with others to make a polysurface in the file as it opens. ExtractSrf
lets you pull individual faces out from a polysurface without Explode. Explode will work just as well however if you do not mind rejoining it all.
ShrinkTrimmedSrf Lets you have a minimal set of cointrol points under the trimmed face - in this case it just makes life a little easier in case untrimming makes is needed to make things work - e.g. ExtrendSrf does not like to extend, here, if the surface is trimmed. It should but it does not.
Loft Help.3dm (660.2 KB)
Hi Pascal … I completed the first two steps (ExtractSrf and ShrinkTrimmedSrf), but I have not been able to complete ExtendSrf. I can select the edge, but I cannot move the edge. Do I need to change some parameters of ExtendSrf?
Loft Help.3dm (660.2 KB)
Hi Ronald - make sure to Untrim the surface.
Thanks … That was the “missing” step.