Clipping Plane lineweights in Render View

I persistently have trouble controlling the lineweights of my clipping planes while exporting 2D drawings using Rhino PDF. I create most drawings in the render style. No matter how much I increase the line weight in the render display settings however, my clipping plane line remains the same in print mode. Does anybody have tips for this or can direct me to a tutorial. Thank you! John

Hi John - does this setting do what you need?

OK, I see that it does not…

RH-75319 Print: clipped edge thickness igonred

Did this ever get fixed?

Hi Chris -

I see that this one is still open: RH-75319 Print: clipped edge thickness ignored

That bug report shows the Rhino 7 interface, though, and while I haven’t tested overriding the section style in Rhino 8 to mimic Rhino 7, using section style settings in Rhino 8 seems to work fine. Are you seeing something different?

I’m still on Rhino 7 for the time being.
It seems to print the clipping plane lines as super thin no matter what I do with layer weights, or the line weights in the ‘display options’

Hi Chris -

That’s probably correct, but not something that will be changed in Rhino 7.

Thanks Wim,

I figured that would be the case, but was struggling to get an acceptable pdf output and wasn’t sure if the program was the issue or user error. :blush:

Slightly on a tangent, with display modes and line weights, how is the best way to get something that shows up nicely on screen, to also print the same as what it’s shown?

For example, I was using a display mode that had silhouettes turned on with a line weight of 3 pixels which shows up excellently on screen.
However, when printed to pdf those lines are much thicker in comparison too the screen display.

Hi Chris -

Yes, it’s difficult, if not impossible, to control this.
The “much thicker” issue, though, is easier to deal with than the “too thin” counterpart. When printing to raster, you can somewhat control the thickness by changing the paper size and the DPI setting. More points being drawn (either bigger paper, larger DPI, or both) will lead to thinner curves. The other way around, lowering the number of points being printed, will often lead to excessive loss of detail.

The “easiest” way out is to use ViewCaptureToFile to create a raster file that is the same as what you see on screen. Also in this case, setting the scale to something larger than 1 will decrease curve width.

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I’ll have a play around tomorrow and see what I can do for the short term.

Cheers for the help.

In a follow up to what I tried yesterday, I managed to get the lineweights to work ok in Pdf, but now I have one of my pages doing this:

While on the first page, it’s coming out perfectly.

Note, they’re both the same render style, and it shows up both in Rhino and the Pdf.
Things I’ve tried,
Changing display mode has no effect
Closing and reopening the project fixes it until I print it.
If I do anything that make Rhino ‘work’ on that page it makes it revert back to that image.

Any suggestions?


Hi Chris -

Not without the file, I’m afraid.