Hi there, I’m having an issue with clipping planes.
I have a clipping plane on a layer and I manage its position through the Named Position Tab so I can easily cut appropriate levels.
I noticed (never realised that issue before and pretty sure I’ve done it without problems) that if my clipping plane is active in the view and I isolate some objects, once I reverse back using the show command, the clipping plane has disappeared from any viewport…
_I have tried to preview all the layers and everything, the Selclippingplane can’t find anything.
_I have tried using diffferent display mode in many different viewport.
But somehow the clipping plane is still there…
_If I delete the layer on which the clipiing plane was, I get a warning that there’s one object on that layer. However that doesn’t seem to delete the clipping plane.
_If I reinstate some of the name position, the clip move accordingly and cut my scene…
_If I type the command ‘show’ after making sure everything is previewed, I get the message “Showing one hidden object.” but nothing appear… and so on…
Bug ?