Changing email address on Food4Rhino?

I can’t seem to be able to change my email address on food4rhino. I enter the new address and my current password and it just says this:

Try to just enter your new email address

I can’t reproduce this error, did you login with your e-mal address and password or with your Rhino Account?

With my normal account. But I just noticed that when I logged out and tried to log in again it showed an error that I can only log in with the Rhino account. But just before I could log in with the normal account!?

Super weird. But yeah all the different McNeel websites and services are just a total mess. Everything looks different, works different and sometimes you’re not even sure if it belongs to the same company… Why does F4R looks so different to everything else?

I will never understand…

We will discontinue in the future the possibility to login to food4Rhino with credentials so users will only have 1 account in Rhino they can use everywhere.
As for the difference between all our sites? That is because McNeel does not have a marketing and brand image service as we prefer to spend money on development and training.
Can you send me your username in food4Rhino so I can check your account?

I see. It’s fine now, I will just log in with my Rhino account and there I have already changed my email address.

I know why it is as it is, other employees have mentioned the lack of any sort of designer before. But I simply don’t understand that rationale. Design is part of development. You cannot do one without the other, because a web developer is designing at the same time. Devs working on Rhino are constantly making design decisions. But there is a reason you have developers and designers, because they each specialize in an area.

So saying you don’t want to spend money on design just means you are spending money on uninformed design.