Change the Toolbar

I am trying to import Rhino6 Toolbar into Rhino7.
However, when I import the Toolbar of Rhino6 into Rhino7, the new features of Rhino7 do not show up in the linked Toolbar, etc.
Is there any way to solve this problem?

The ToolBar in this image was imported from Rhino 6 to Rhino 7.

Well, it’s possible that when you imported the toolbar, it may have imported all the linked toolbars as well. So all the links in the big toolbar shown above point to the V6 version linked toolbars that got imported as well

That’s my theory in any case, look in Options>Toolbars and see if you have somehow doubled all the linked toolbars, the imported V6 ones may have something like a “00” at the end of the name.

So, you would need to go through the entire big V6 imported toolbar and re-link all of the links to V7 equivalents.

I wouldn’t do that however, The toolbar above looks like it’s pretty much all standard tools, I would start with a ‘virgin’ unmodified V7 default.rui file, name it to something different, make a new blank toolbar then simply start copying buttons over to it according to the picture. I think it will take less time.

When I create a Toolbar in Rhino, it is easy to create a single horizontal row, but when I create one, two, or three vertical rows, the buttons shift by themselves when I place them.
This is very inconvenient and I would like to see it improved.