Change contour label numbers

I want to adjust the numbers, with the highest value being 37, not 24. Can this be done?

Yes. :man_facepalming:

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You can add 13
24 + 13 =:37

I have almost 200 contour lines; I can’t do that one by one. I want to change the overall labels from 0.00 to 37m.

I don’t understand, you use Grasshopper

So no problem, use the addition component to add 13, it will be done for all values.

If you want to find the maximum value of Z in a list you can sort the Z and take the last value using a -1 index.

And if you want better answer, it could be better you post the file and some others explanations.

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I don’t understand, you use Grasshopper

So no problem, use the addition component to add 13, it will be done for all values.

If you want to find the maximum value of Z in a list you can sort the Z and take the last value using a -1 index.

And if you want better answer, it could be better you post the file and some others explanations.

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Trying but still nothing. Please check it out, thank you in advance.

contour (17.1 KB)

Hi @contine,

A. Please right click and choose “Internalise data” next time you upload a script because otherwise nothing will show up when another user opens it outside of your computer.

B. As pointed out, take your Z output of the Deconstruct component and plug that into the A input of an Addition component. Plug in a value of 13 to the B input of that same Addition component and take the output of the Addition component and plug that into the T input of your Text Tag 3D component.

Hope that helps!

20240717_contour (12.8 KB)

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Thank you Michael for your time!

All in all, way more time than if you had posted a useable GH file when you started. :bangbang: :-1:

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Indeed, i will next time.

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@michaelvollrath @laurent_delrieu @Joseph_Oster

So now, the highest point is 37.67m as it should be, but the lowest isn’t 0.00 but 12.62m. Any advice? Thank you for your help.
contour (1.5 MB)

Thank you Laurent for your time as well!

If the range of your contours is in fact 0 to 37 then really you should be looking at ScaleNU in the Z axis or a Remap component to remap the range of the contours from 0 To 37 or whatever highest number you expect.

But that’s not realistic then because the contour lines are “already the heights they should be at” if they aren’t then you need to Move/Scale the contour lines so that they are reflective of the actual height of the cut planes in which they were taken if that makes sense.

I would avoid a situation where you say “this is 37” but then someone measures it in 3D and says hmm it’s actually 24. That’s odd"