Cellstruce / script with concave surfaces help

Hi Guys!

I need to model a nurbs surface with a cell-like-structure with a concave surfaces.

I need to create something like this:

This is create from a height map mesh output. The cell structure I created using filter forge:

Creating this from nurbs does not create a clean geometry and is very heavy…

I then tried to create something by boolean spheres but this result is not quite right:

Any thoughts on how to create something like this in Nurbs? Maybe grasshopper?
After I have a flat surface I will trim it and use flow along surface to create a double bend surface.

Thanks all!

Isn’t the whole point to have “concave (or convex) surfaces”, not flat?


I misused the term planar surface :slight_smile:
What I would like to create a cell surface with the concave and then flow it along a surface.

The bubbles plugin looks very promising but cant get it too work.
This kangaroo component appears missing and cant find it online:


Any thoughts on where to find that?


Are you also misusing the term “concave”?

NakedVertices is under the ‘Mesh’ tab of Kangaroo2, built inti R7. I don’t have Weaverbid required for @HS_Kim’s Voronoi_Bubbles_re.gh GH code.

Without fully knowing what I’m doing, I hacked a plugin-free version of @HS_Kim’s Voronoi_Bubbles_re.gh in the other thread.

Voronoi_Bubbles_2024Aug16a.gh (18.0 KB)

It has gaps between the cells, which perhaps are fixed at the end of HS_Kim’s code by the ‘Weaverbird Join Meshes and Weld’ component that I deleted?


Ow wow… Clearly you know a lot better than I do how to make this work! thanks for trying man
Too bad about this gaps though…

Did you install the weavebird plugi? I believe this is free to download