Hello, I followed an online tutorial to get a spherical shape made from voronoi cells. I am happy with the look, but am having some issues taking these results and evolving them into the planar shapes that I need in order to actually fabricate the results.
I am looking to accomplish three things:
First, the individual cells that the script creates are not planar (I attached an image). Is there a way to create these polyline cells around a sphere and have them be planar? Once they are planar, how do you create the “surface”? Using “boundary surfaces” didn’t work, but that might be because the lines weren’t planar.
Second, I want to scale down the original planar voronoi cell and then offset it perpendicular to the cell face a set distance.
Third, I want to then create planar surfaces between the two offset surfaces. I included an image of what I’m trying to accomplish and the Grasshopper file with rudimentary notes.
Once I have voronoi cells that are planar, I could accomplish #2 and #3 just in rhino, but I think it would be much faster if I can just work it into the script. I am trying to learn Grasshopper better, so if you have time, any explanations as to why things in this script do or don’t work would be very appreciated.
voronoi sphere_2_with rock faces.gh (22.2 KB)